Authentic Thai Recipe for
Cashew Chicken

Authentic Thai Recipe for
Cashew Chicken

ไก่ผัดเม็ดมะม่วงหิมพานต์ (Gai Pad Mamuang Himaphan)

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First published on December 6, 2015
Recipe by W. Tipsuwan

Authentic Thai recipe for Cashew Chicken
Yield: 2 - 4 servings
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cooking time: 10 Minutes
Ready in: 20 Minutes

Ingredient List:

About my Gai Pad Mamuang Himaphan:

About my Gai Pad Mamuang Himaphan:

This Thailand style cashew chicken is simply bursting with flavor. Big juicy chunks of chicken leg meat are stir fried together with healthy a portion of browned cashews nuts in a thick and sticky sauce, together with garlic, onions, mild red and green chili, green onion, and mild sun-dried chilies.

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Step by Step Directions:

Step by Step Directions:

How to Make Gai Pad Mamuang Himaphan

How to Make Gai Pad Mamuang Himaphan

Step 1

To make my cashew nut chicken I use chunky chicken leg meat with the bone and skin removed. You can use chicken breast if you prefer it, but the leg meat will produce a much more flavorful dish. Whichever you use, just cut it into nice big pieces.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 1

Step 2

I use both red and orange sun-dried chilies just to add more color. These are the Thai long chili, a mild but just a little spicy pepper that we have here.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 2

Step 3

Mix the white pepper into the flour well, then put it into a large zip lock bag with the chicken and shake it up until the chicken is lightly coated everywhere.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 3

Step 4

Cut the dry chilies into 1 inch pieces and remove the seeds so you just have little red pepper tubes.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 4

Step 5

Cut the fresh green and red Thai long chilies in half lengthwise, remove the seeds, then cut them into long, thin strips. Cut the yellow wax pepper diagonally, and also remove the seeds.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 5

Step 6

Cut the green onion into 1 inch pieces, slice the onion into little wedged slices, and chop or press the garlic very fine.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 6

Step 7

Heat the oil in a large wok or deep pan until just barely warm enough to fry. Add the cashews and fry them until just a little brown. It's easy to burn them, so watch the heat, keep stirring, and remove them when they just start to turn color. These took about 5 minutes, but it all depends on your pan and the heat. Remove them right away to a paper towel to absorb the excess oil.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 7

Step 8

Next add the dry peppers to the oil, and be ready to remove them right away. It really just takes a couple of seconds. You'll see them flash to a brighter color and they are done. Any more and they will be burned.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 8

Step 9

Next add the floured chicken pieces. Fry it on low heat for about 5 minutes or until the coating hardens up. This is not like fried chicken that will be well browned. You just cook it until the meat is done and then remove it all to a paper towel.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 9

Step 10

Turn the heat off so the pan cools down all the way. Pour out almost all of the oil so you just have about a tablespoon, then add the garlic and fry it slowly over low heat for about 30 seconds.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 10

Step 11

Add the sliced onion and cook it together with the garlic for about a minute, then add the sauces and sugar. Stir it up well, let it get hot and bubbly.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 11

Step 12

Add about 2 - 3 tablespoons of water, stir it in to make a thick brown sauce. Note that you want to maintain a little sauce all the time, so have more water ready and add it a little at a time as needed.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 12

Step 13

Add the fried chicken and stir it all up until well coated in the sauce. Add a little water to get some sauce back, and turn the heat up high. Stir fry for about a minute until really hot again.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 13

Step 14

Add the fried cashews, stir them in, and continue frying for a couple of minutes.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 14

Step 15

Next add all the fresh peppers, stir them in and keep frying. Add more water if needed. Fry for about 30 seconds, then turn off the heat. Keep stirring as the pan cools down.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 15

Step 16

Serve it all on a large plate to be shared, or each portion on a small plate with some steamed rice for a delicious one-dish meal.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 16

Step 17

Arrange all the ingredients evenly, and top with the fried dry chili pieces.

Photo of How to Make Cashew Chicken - Step 17
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